Mukki remembered the day with the crystal-clear clarity afforded someone who repeats a story often.
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Mukki remembered the day with the crystal-clear clarity afforded someone who repeats a story often.
Filed under Flash Pulp, Jackfish
Cal was close behind, each footstep landing with a muttered curse until his breathing became too laboured to maintain his profanities.
Filed under Flash Pulp, Jackfish
He’d crept from his bedroom and padded down the hall.
Filed under Flash Pulp, Jackfish
Filed under Flash Pulp, Jackfish
The anti-government paranoia that grew throughout the 1990s was a boon to Mukki’s research.
Filed under Flash Pulp, Jackfish
Hari couldn’t quite say why, but he felt a little stupid.
Filed under Flash Pulp, Jackfish
Mukki thought he’d fallen asleep in his new house.
Filed under Flash Pulp, Jackfish
Despite at least an hour of steady work, they’d made it only as far as the husk of Calvin’s car.
Filed under Flash Pulp, Jackfish
William’s waking moments held a steady rhythm for many months.
Filed under Flash Pulp, Jackfish
Gord had fallen asleep at some point. This troubled him.
Filed under Flash Pulp, Jackfish